A short comic of DJ Cat Gosshie and my bio is featured in an artistic magazine called "Kvartal"(Quarter) issue 27. The writer is none other than Aleksander Zograf, the top cartoonist in Serbia.
Price:300dinar 価格約300円
手はゴッシーです。 右はボスニアヘルツェゴビナ出身、現在はセルビアで活動中のメタルバンド<<ボンバーダー>>ですよ! The cd is "Ledena krv" by Bombarder, a great metal band active in Serbia, Country of origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina.
"Harukichi" is written by Cyrillic alphabet.
Subjects of the magazine are contemporary poetry, prose, translated literacy ,contemporary essay, comic book, aforizm etc.