

DJ Cat Gosshie with Hanawa Kazuichi, godfather of underground comic in Japan

 Tinta nos Nervo

Saturday 19th Feb. 2022 | 15:00

DOUBLE LAUNCH | In prison, by Kazuichi Hanawa (ed. Sendai) and  DJ Cat Gosshie World Tour , by Harukichi (ed. Chili Com Carne )

Conversation with editors Cassiano Soares and Marcos Farrajota

Being only the third volume published by Sendai, this small publisher has already marked a fundamental difference in the offer of Japanese comics translated directly into Portuguese, going far beyond its most popular perception, given the overwhelming presence of adventure manga for an audience juvenile (shonen). In Prison is an autobiography by a major author of the independent circuit, Kazuichi Hanawa, about his stay as an inmate for possession of a weapon (illegal in Japan). A portrait of daily life in the prison, it is at the same time a search for tranquility and the way we build ourselves, and the world, every day.
Chili Com Carne also contributes to the offer in this territory with the semi-real, semi-hallucinated adventures of DJ Gato Gosshie, whose little stories all come together in this volume. Less documentary and ethnographic observation than a globalizing and alternative imaginary, we follow a rising star from scratch here on a whole series of stages around the world, including a festival in Portugal.

Editors Cassiano Soares (Sendai) and Marcos Farrajota (Chili Com Carne) will be present at this launch, for an informal conversation about these projects, and the dialogues and presence of manga on the national circuit.

Free entrance.
No reservations are made.
Capacity according to the rules in force at the moment.

*Events are free entry. They are subject to change.
* All events are free admittance. Last minute changes may occur.
